I knew he was bad, but By George has revealed his evil to be an order of magnitude greater than I was aware.

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As shown, there have been and are a great number of media stories exposing Carney’s personality and capabilities, yet the general pick up of these has been minimal by the Liberal paid -off MSM. Carney’s glib self-exaggerations have simply been reproduced and enhanced for public consumption.

There is no given that Carney will either return Parliament and Canadian democracy, nor call an immediate election. More likely he will declare a ‘crisis’ and rule by decree like Trump (a ‘crisis not serious enough to have been recognized over the past month by Trudeau or Carney’s. A crisis not serious enough to recall the House until the Carney Cornstion runs its course).

Aside from this, By George states “In a seemingly unguarded moment, Mark Carney opened up about his globalist perspectives and how he sees his networks with the WEF and UN as his advantage.” Sooner rather than later Carney’s WEF/UN Agenda will run smack into the other Agenda to control the world led by Trump - a wold war of another dimension!

Meanwhile Carney’s leadership of this New World Enemy if nothing else negates any capabilities may have to negotiate anything with Trump.

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