Aug 30Liked by Chris George

A tour de force that should be read by every single citizen. Well done Mr. George.

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My thanks Diane.

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Aug 30Liked by Chris George

The general public is deprived of the opportunity to read your articles which so clearly point out what is happening in this once great country. Thank you for the detailed overview of the NDPiberals stewardship of the past years. We can only hope that the legacy media will wake up to the need to awaken the voting public as to what how this country has actually been run since the last election.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Author

Thank you Richard. I do not believe legacy media will "wake up." More and more Canadians are turning to independent media precisely because we have come to know that legacy media is regurgitating nothing but government talking points. Legacy media filters facts to suit the government narrative and its progressive world-view.

Sharing and resharing independent media posts and news commentary is the only way Canadians will become more aware of the facts of the matter, whether it be with Canadian political news or international affairs. In this way, perhaps, enough of us will "wake up."

Many thanks for your voice of support.

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