The United Nations (UN) Green Agenda, which entails all the facets of “climate change” and the “green transition”, is the most influential political idea and the most powerful globalist movement in our world today. The UN’s Green Agenda, its initiatives and narrative, is the glue that binds together all of the globalists’ agendas.
This UN Green Agenda is omnipotent – years in the making to the point that today it is established as the central theme of all international activities. And the green narrative is omnipresent – commanding generations of the indoctrinated who, today, are driven by their fear of a terrifying climate apocalypse.
Over five decades the UN has developed a self-sustaining, ever-growing agenda that has increased its reach and strengthened its hold over its member countries. That agenda, which herein is being referred to as a “green agenda”, is founded in concepts of environmental activism and global socialism.
One can trace back the origins of the UN’s green agenda to a single individual, Maurice Strong, who is considered today as one of the founding fathers of the global environmental movement. In the early 1970s, Canadian-born Strong transcended from the Desmarais family’s Power Corp and a series of appointments by then PM Pierre Trudeau to simultaneously hold a number of significant international positions. He was the UN Under-Secretary General and he mentored Klaus Schwab as an early board member at the World Economic Forum. He was also an advisor to the president of the World Bank. And in 1972, Strong became the first Executor Director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
Also in 1972 the publication The Limits to Growth was published for The Club of Rome, self-described as a report on the “predicament of mankind.” The publication is a neo-Malthusian hypothesis that world’s population was expanded at too great of pace and this will cause global crises and an environmental catastrophe. Exponential growth was described in the book as not only population, but also food production, industrialization, pollution, and consumption of natural resources. There was a strong recommendation made that the world must transition from its current state of growth to a lasting state of global equilibrium.
Strong picked up The Limits to Growth as a guiding document for policy development in the UNEP. Accordingly, the new agency operated with three core premises: 1) population rate of growth is unsustainable, 2) a correction is possible, and 3) the international community must address the problem soon or else face dire consequences.
In concert with starting up the UNEP, Strong was also collaborated with Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev on various environment projects that would flesh out the idea of sustainable development. This working relationship eventually lead to the creation of The Earth Charter which set down sixteen principles for world humanity.
One important point about Maurice Strong’s belief system is that he was an avowed socialist, and a great admirer of China. Like his good friend Pierre Trudeau, he lauded Chairman Mao and held China’s government in high esteem. In a 2010 interview in the British newspaper The Guardian, Strong observed about China: “We know that pure capitalism hasn’t worked. In China, they have used their system – which they call a socialist market economy – quite well to achieve their objections. It’s also in a continuous process of evolution. I’ve had a working relationship with China nearly all my adult life. I’ve seen the remarkable progress they’ve made and are still making. They’re quick learners. They tend to be among the best in terms of business and industry. They have learned how to use the methods of capitalism to meet their own goals of socialism. China is among the best managed countries today.”
From the beginnings in the UNEP, the notion that the world’s growth and development needed to be managed with international oversight evolved to a full plan of action that would be hatched at the 1992 Rio Brazil “Earth Summit.” Maurice Strong presided over the summit meetings and the UN unveiled the Agenda 21 document, a set of development goals, including sustainable development goals that were drawn from the Brundtland Report: Our Common Future.
There was a distinctly Canadian theme that ran through the Rio “Earth Summit.” Not only was Maurice Strong presiding over the summit, Elizabeth May, representing both Cultural Survival Canada and the Sierra Club, was Canada’s official delegation. Also, 12-year old Severn Suzuki (daughter of David) delivered a “terrorizing” speech in the vein of the more recent Greta Thunberg, forecasting a world where children would no longer have clean water, air or soil. Her six-minute speech resulted in her being placed on the UNEP’s Global 500 Roll of Honour, hired for various environmental and media gigs, and hired at We Canada. Most recently, Severn has signed onto the family business as Executive Director of the David Suzuki Foundation.
An interesting sidenote to this is the fact that, in the audience to listen to the young Suzuki in Rio was US Senator Al Gore – who was busy taking notes to begin framing his own climate change forecast.
The UN Green Agenda story continues….
· At the 1992 Earth Summit the UN’s member countries also agreed to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which established the central overseeing body to monitor the UN’s goals in Agenda 21. This agreement formally established a green bureaucracy at the UN.
· In mid 1990s, Al Gore began promoting “climate change catastrophism”, a doomsday narrative that called for the urgent need for coordinated global action. Gore suggests a way out… The UN produces the environmental policy documents, agreements, and treaties to be adopted and then implemented by member states passing laws and regulations.
· In 1997, the UN member states signed onto the Kyoto Protocol.
· In 2016, at the UN’s COP21, members replaced the Kyoto Protocol with the Paris Agreement.
· In 2016, The UN 2030 Agenda was launched and signed onto with the understanding that though the agreement was not legally binding, member countries were committed to the goals and to enacting policies through their own government policies, laws and regulations. Progress of the UN goals is set to monitored through to 2030 at the UN’s annual meetings.
Threaded throughout each summit, and each international agreement, there is a warning that it is imperative for economic growth and development to be curtailed in order to manage pollution. The UN meetings are largely comprised of environmental activists and celebrities making desperate calls for better environmental stewardship in the face of an impending climate catastrophe. The focus of much of the discussion is on reducing carbon (greenhouse gas) emissions and the host of unrealistic goals to achieve a point of carbon neutrality worldwide by 2050. Continual and increasing pressure is placed on western countries who are expected to throttle their economies through laws, regulations, and taxes to make fossil fuel and travel too expensive.
Two final points on this…. First, according to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization there is little chance for the world to escape its disastrous end, burning up by 2050. This doomsday forecast of ever-rising global temperatures has UN officials and some member countries’ leaders (like Canada’s Trudeau government) accelerating their emission reduction efforts and announcing tougher regulations and tighter 2035 deadlines.
Second, it is somewhat disturbing to know that as the western countries are being called to double down on their emission reduction efforts, two of the world’s largest polluters – China and India – are not participating in meeting the goals of the UN’s Green Agenda. A third major pollutant – Russia – is also not expected to contribute to the emissions reduction goals. Given the UN is monitoring for a global reduction by 2050, it is absurd to not have China, India and Russia participating. Seriously, there is no chance of the world meeting the UN’s 2050 goals when the use of coal is increasing in China and India.
So, let’s consider what the implementation of the UN’s Green Agenda means for Canadians…